November 2010

Mayor Jim Wood, CM Esther Sanchez, CM Jerome Kern, CM Jack Feller, CM Rocky Chavez, and CM Charles Lowery
The Oceanside City Council has been the perfect example, of anti-citizen, public criminal corruption, for at least nine (9) years. Since 2001 when Ester Sanchez (Public Defenders Office) was elected, and 2002 when Jim Wood (retired Oceanside Police Officer) joined the council. All citizen complaints of police and fire department corruption have been obstructed and buried, without investigation, while all council members protect their personal finances and their political careers by looking the other way. At the same time Mayor Wood and CM Sanchez have received the benefit of hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign financing from the police and fire unions, through the front and back doors of re-election campaigns. Hundreds of thousands of dollars from criminally corrupt Police and Fire Departments, that continually cries poor church mouse, while being among the highest paid public safety organizations in the County of San Diego, as well as one of the most corrupt.
Co-Conspirator (Accessory)
In most U.S. jurisdictions today,......... an accessory can be convicted even if the principal actor is not arrested or is acquitted. The prosecution must establish that the accessory in some way instigated, furthered, or concealed the crime.
An accessory after the fact is someone who knows that a crime has occurred but nonetheless helps to conceal it. Today, this action is often termed obstructing justice.
In Criminal Law, contributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime. One who, without being present at the commission of an offense, becomes guilty of such offense, not as a chief actor, but as a participant, as by command, advice, instigation, or concealment; either before or after the fact or commission.
Public Record Request to the City Of Oceanside in 2010, disclosed that not one investigation or inquiry, by any Council Member, has ever occurred, as a result of a citizens complaints of police or fire corruption. The complaints of criminal conduct had been many, the evidence extensive, and the City Council oversight has been zero.
Between May of 2008 and September of 2010 this reporter, as a citizen of Oceanside, placed more than twenty oral public criminal complaints, in open council sessions, into the public record. The oral complaints were recorded by Public Broadcast Television, and given in the presence of Mayor Wood, CM Esther Sanchez, CM Jerry Kern, CM Jack Feller, and most in front of CM Rocky Chavez, before he abandoned the citizens of Oceanside in December of 2009. Chavez resigned in the middle of the police election fraud attack on CM Kern, and literally ran away from the corrupt council, and it' Police & Fire Department Corruption. Chief Of Police Frank McCoy and various Oceanside Police Officers were also present during all criminal complaints.
The complaint process was planned and executed to place documentation, and evidence, into the public record such that corrupt officials, police, and district attorneys could not later deny knowledge of the corruption. Some of the oral criminal complaints included the following:
As Reported By GTI News Photo:
Police & Fire Dept. Election Fraud For Profit & Cover Up
Public Insurance Fraud Of Citizens For Profit & Cover Up
Officer Damon Smith Evidence Tampering & Cover Up
Officer Jon Domonique Evidence Tampering & Cover Up
District Attorney Evidence Tampering & Cover Up
Police & Council Conspiracy To Silence Citizen Complaints
All oral complaints were followed up with written criminal complaints with documentation. All complaints were suppressed and buried by the City Council, the Oceanside Police, and the District Attorney's Office to protect all on going criminal operations, from public exposure. Criminal police assaults on citizens, that complained in the council chambers about the public corruption, where simply ignored and buried by all council members.
All verbal and written citizens complaints to the council were suppress and ignored. The council public record agendas were altered, and falsified, to remove citizen written complaints against the council, or the police and fire departments. Request to speak forms, require citizens to list the reason for speaking to the council, however, if the reason is a complaint against members of the council or police, it is deleted from the public records. The falsification of public records is carried of on the orders of Mayor Wood and City Attorney Mullen. Council meetings are manipulated by Mayor Wood to harass and discourage citizens that complain about police or council corruption, while the other council members remain silent. Mayor Wood & Oceanside Police Officers openly conspired to assault and intimidate citizens that complain about the public corruption and all of the council members obstructed and suppressed the criminal complaints.
The city council criminal protection system and cover up is the result of dirty first responder union money, and fear of retaliation, from the corrupt Oceanside Police Officers and Firefighters. The conduct of the Public Safety agencies in Oceanside, more closely resembles the conduct of a criminal organization. This reporter has no doubt that there are some honest cops and firemen in Oceanside. However, all evidence indicates, the honest cops and firemen have chosen to remain silent. The corrupt cops and firemen, with the protection of the city council, openly conspires, tampers with elections, tampers with evidence, defrauds, assaults, bribes, and intimidate all that opposes their unlimited access to, and control of the public treasury.