The FBI and Justice Department has been CONSPIRING TO OBSTRUCT JUSTICE, and COVER UP wide spread PUBLIC CORRUPTION from coast to coast, involving Public Union Election Fraud, and wide spread Prosecutor & Police evidence tampering. The conspiracy, is to protect Law Enforcement Public Unions, their employees, and Democrat Officials, financial supported by corrupt public unions. Unions that are criminally manipulating elections, and the criminal justice system, for political, financial, and personal gain. Public Corruption that has now surfaced in Sanford, Florida in the Zimmerman evidence tampering conspiracy, to convict and innocent man.
State Prosecutors Conspired, from day one, to hide large amounts evidence, for more than a year. Evidence that showed wide ranging criminal conduct by Trayvon Martin, and evidence supporting the innocence of Zimmerman. The Conspiracy to hide evidence started with racist political pressure President Obama and Attorney General Holder, a falsified arrest warrant by State Prosecutors, and continuing evidence suppression for more than a year, straight through trial. Court documents and testimony also indicate Judge Debra Nelson, was part of that conspiracy, to convict Zimmerman, by any and all means.
GTI News's five year investigation has directly linked more than 200 law enforcement officers, firefighters, district attorneys, attorney generals, elected officials, the White House, the Justice Department, and the FBI, to direct involvement in wide spread public corruption, or its cover up. A pattern of Public Agency, and Public Union Election Fraud Conspiracy, and Obstruction Of Justice in Criminal Prosecutions, through Evidence Tampering. A public corruption pattern that has now surfaced in Sanford, Florida, in the George Zimmerman prosecution. A false PERSOCUTION and its cover up, for political, personal, and financial benefit, of high level Democrat elected officials and Public Unions. A persecution pushed by RACISM, from a Black President Obama, and a Black Attorney General Holder, that have conspired to obstruct justice, with a Racist political agenda. A false prosecution, advanced by Prosecutor Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, and hide evidence, to support providing false information to a jury. IT IS NOT THE FIRST TIME (1), OR SECOND (2), OR EVEN THE TWENTYTH (20) TIME, AND IT IS OPERATING NATION WIDE.
Conspiracy - "When two or more people conspire to commit a crime", ANY CRIME.
Co-Conspirator (Accessory)
In common law, an accessory could not be found guilty unless the actual perpetrator was convicted. In most U.S. jurisdictions today, however, an accessory can be convicted even if the principal actor is not arrested or is acquitted. The prosecution must establish that the accessory in some way instigated, furthered, or concealed the crime. Typically, punishment for a convicted accessory is not as severe as that for the perpetrator
An accessory after the fact is someone who knows that a crime has occurred but nonetheless helps to conceal it. Today, this action is often termed obstructing justice.
In Criminal Law, contributing to or aiding in the commission of a crime. One who, without being present at the commission of an offense, becomes guilty of such offense, not as a chief actor, but as a participant, as by command, advice, instigation, or concealment; either before or after the fact or commission.
GTI News first contacted the FBI, and the Justice Department in San Diego County, California in 2009, as GTI's investigations of District Attorney Insurance Fraud exposed wide ranging, First Responder, and District Attorney Public Corruption. Public corruption that directly involved all three FBI designated "High Priority" public corruption crimes. All contacts with the San Diego Justice Department to provide documentation, and complaints, on first responder union election fraud, Police and District Attorney evidence tampering, and Civil Rights violations, were meet with the response, "Go Tell The FBI". The Justice Department did not want to hear about, talk about, or receive documentation, in any manner, pertaining to First Responder and District Attorney Public Corruption.
All initial and subsequent e-mail, phone, and face to face contacts with the FBI, and its agents over the following four (4) year period was meet with the same obstructions, and the clear message, TO GO AWAY, AND DON'T COME BACK, as previously reported by GTI News. Hundreds of e-mails, phone calls, & written criminal complains with audio evidence, and public record documentation, was provided to local, state, and federal elected officials, including Democrat California Attorney Generals, Democrat Governor Jerry Brown, Democrat U.S Senators Feinstein and Boxer, & the White House, all of which produced zero response.
That grotesque pattern of FBI and Justice Department Conspiracy To Obstruct Justice, and cover up all manner of public corruption crimes, involving public unions, first responders, prosecutors, and elected officials, manipulating elections for personal benefit is active in the Zimmerman prosecution. As usual, all public union, and Prosecutor related crimes, are being protected from investigation and prosecution, by the FBI and Justice Departments. Just like the California Public Corruption, and Evidence Tampering reported on this News Web Sit. Evidence Tampering that has expanded, and continued, every year since GTI's investigation started in 2008. The only new obvious factors, are the public Racism, of Attorney General Eric Holder, and President Barack Obama, to advance and support Public Corruption to manipulate votes, and elections.
The Law, the Witnesses, and the HIDDEN EVIDENCE says, the Martin-Zimmerman case is another well documented example, of public agencies criminally conspiring to obstruct justice, and jail innocent people for crimes that never occurred, for political, and personal gain. Local police and prosecutors investigated the February 26, 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin, and stated clearly, there was not sufficient evidence to file criminal charges against George Zimmerman, and yet the racism from the President Of The United States, the U.S. Attorney General, and other Black Politicians, continued to feed and encourage, unfounded, and violent racial protest from Black citizens nation wide, for political advantage.
Protest demanding prosecution of a "WHITE MAN", who turned out to be "HISPANIC, for killing an innocent BLACK CHILD, who turned out to be a, young, muscular, Black Man, eligible for military service, involved in avariety of crimes. A young Black Man entering adulthood, who was on drugs, trying to illegally buy and sell guns, involved in organized fist fighting, child pornography, and stalking neighborhood watch citizen Zimmerman in the dark. The extensive supporting evidence files from the Martin phone, that would put a lie to the Prosecution case, and the racist politics of Black Politicians, would be criminally hidden for more than a year, while State Prosecutors conspired to obstruct justice, and lied to the Defense, the Court, and the Jury, in an attempt to convict an innocent man.
The Sanford, FL. local police and prosecutors had Trayvon Martin's cell phone files, from day one, of what is now know to be the Martin felony assault on Zimmerman. Police reports, detail immediate work, to try an get full access the phone files, including contact with Martin's father and family to try and get passwords to provide Police access to the internal phone records, with no success. The access was limited to the removable Sim Card, which was only a small part of the phone data. Data which included pictures of guns, drugs, and text messages on the buying and selling of guns, and Martin's love of fighting.
Prosecution Experts would spend more than eight months trying to get full access to Trayvon's high security, multi-level password protected primary system files. A system that was protecting even more pictures of guns, drugs, and adult xxx-rated pictures. The protected phone files, also had what experts described as nude pictures of underage girls, which is pornography, and criminal conduct no matter what your skin color, or age. Those cell phone files clearly connected Trayvon Martin to Guns, Drugs, his enjoyment of Organized Fist Fighting, and illegal pornography. All of which were highly detrimental to the Prosecutions false narrative about the incident, and highly beneficial to the defense of George Zimmerman. All of which, the State Prosecutors, would criminally conspire to hide for more than a year. The medical examiner even found Trayvon Martin had Marijuana in his blood chemistry, at the time of death, and supporting pictures of marijuana plants, and self portraits of Martin apparently smoking marijuana.
According to court testimony additional photos showed what was described as a pile of jewelry on a bed (not released at this time). Multiple news source, including a Miami Herald story, stated Martin had also previously been caught with a 'burglary tool, a flathead screwdriver, and 12 pieces of women's jewelery in a bag. Martin reportedly insisted the jewelry did not belong to him. The evidence would lead most police officers to believe Martin was a burglar, and immediately start an investigation. There has been no information, on any evidence of an investigation to determine the ownership of the jewelry, or why Martin would photograph a pile of jewelry on a bed. There was also a documented history of home burglaries in the area of the shooting. Martin was even on suspension from school, one in a series of suspensions for a variety of violations, at the time the shooting occurred. With all of this hard physical evidence against Martin, the only person investigated was Zimmerman.
There was even recent self portrait photo files showing Martin as a muscular, young adult, black male, and definitely not a child. Information falsely reported by almost everyone involved, and falsely reported to the jury by prosecutors, conspiring to hide the evidence, and with their own political agendas. False statements that had nothing to do with the truth, or the evidence. The sad truth is, Trayvon Martin had become just a piece of meat to race baiters, and corrupt politicians, with their own agendas.
Martin's phone photos, and text files put a lie to the Prosecutors story, the news media story, and the racist public officials story. All of which, was intentionally, criminally hidden, from the Defense Team from day one. That is why the Prosecutors conspired to hide those photos, and text files. Even the photos of Zimmerman's obvious injuries would be hidden, to obtain a false arrest warrant, which would eventually lead to a Grand Jury Criminal Indictment of lead prosecutor Angela Corey. That is called Felony Criminal Conspiracy To Obstruct Justice, in the murder prosecution of an innocent man.
In March 2012, Black Racism was surrounding the case with Local, State, and Federal Black politicians looking for a political use, while Prosecutors, who advance their careers based on political connections, and conviction rates, conspired to hide the evidence, obstruct justice, and lie to the jury. The goal was to convict Zimmerman of anything, and everything, based on emotion, hidden evidence, and false evidence.
Black Racism is every bit as real as White Racism, or Brown Racism, or any other color of Racism, but no one wants to admit, that the Black culture has just as many racist, per capita, and possibly more, as any other ethnic group. All government studies, and evidence, show that black men, of all ages, including 17 year olds, commit felony crimes, and murders, at a rate 10 times greater, then their White, or Hispanics counter parts, put together.
The evidence, the witnesses, and a Jury says, a black 17 year old, 5 foot 11 inch tall, and approximately 150 lbs man named Trayvon Martin, NOT A CHILD, stalked, and assaulted with a deadly weapon (concrete side walk), a smaller, over weight, older, Hispanic neighborhood watch man, with the intent to kill him. A felony crime that is far more common among black males, than a white, or Hispanic male, attacking a black man, or so called "child".
This reporter joined the Marines at the age of 17, and anyone that was around this man at that time, would think twice about calling this man a "child". The facts are, teenagers are among the most effective killers in the population. In our late teens, most young men are at their strongest, have the most resilient physical capabilities, and teens have the least inhibitions about killing. That is why all military organizations look for recruits, in their late teens. Evidence and witnesses say Martin was involved in a felony criminal assault, when he was shot, to protect the life of another. If Martin had survived the assault, he could have been prosecuted for felony assault with a deadly weapon. If someone else had died as a result of Martin's assault on Zimmerman, Martin could have been prosecuted for Murder, however, no one with a political agenda wanted an innocent White, or Hispanic man.
The hidden Trayvon Martin's phone records also tell a truth about fist fighting, and Trayvon Martin's knowledge, and enjoyment of the sport. Information the Prosecutors did not want the jury to see, so they hid it. Martin was involved in organized, multi-round, competitive fist fighting, and drawing blood was important to Martin. Martin's experience had also taught him the advantage of the first strike, and pinning your opponent on his back, just like the Zimmerman assault, described by eye witnesses, and exposed in Martin's hidden text files.
Most American boys learn these tactics in their early teens, and they are taught in every organized wrestling or defense class from grade school to college these tactics. Any prosecutor, or FBI agent, with half a brain know those facts. This reporter was a red headed, freckle faced, smaller then average kid, that was bullied from grade school through high school. Anyone, of any age, in their first fight will quickly learn the advantages, and disadvantages, of the first strike, and being on top, just like fight experienced Trayvon Martin. The facts, all the evidence, including the hidden phone files, and the witness statements, is why the local Police and Prosecutors had not arrested, filed charges, or prosecuted victim Zimmerman.
All of the evidence was there to be seen, but the U.S Justice Department, and it's law enforcement arm the FBI was operating on a political and racist agenda. An agenda, all to common, of protecting corrupt public prosecutors, and covering up evidence tampering. A criminal public corruption agenda, this reporter had seen many times before, in GTI's investigations in Southern California involving the FBI and the Justice Department.
Black Activist Politicians, and Black Activist leaders like Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson, each with their own prejudices, and little to no knowledge of the facts or evidence, cry racism, as usual. Simply because the dead attacker Martin is Black, and they think Zimmerman is White, the cry is racism. A racist assumption from the get go. A corrupt incompetent News media, know for conspiring with Public Union corruption, joins the racist drum beat. When evidence is disclosed that Zimmerman is of Hispanic, and White ancestry, Racist Activist, and the biased news media are too embarrassed to say, OOPS, we were wrong. So Zimmerman becomes a White Hispanic, with continuing racist politicians demanding revenge based on skin color.
Enter Black-White President Obama, or is it White-Black President Obama, with still active local criminal investigations, and obvious ongoing FBI - Justice investigations. President Obama just could not miss an opportunity to exploit the Martin-Zimmerman tragedy for racist political gain, and its not the first time.
President Obama has a long history of dividing races, for political advantage. The President, whatever his ancestry, fans the flames of racism, in the middle of on going criminal investigations and assumes, with no evidence, that Black Martin, is the victim, and White Zimmerman is the racist Murderer. Simply because Martin is Black, and the President was not interested in another innocent White Man, or another guilty dead Black Man, committing felony assault with a deadly weapon, with intent to commit murder.
The FBI, and the Justice Department set up an investigation, of a local crime with no evidence of racial issues, simply because the dead young man is Black, the President is Black, the Attorney General is Black, and all the usual Black Politician, and Black Racism activist that make a living by screaming Bloody Racist Murder, are all screaming racism, and they all join hands. All because it impacts Black votes in future or ongoing elections. The Justice Department and the FBI, which are well know for refusing to comment, or even verify, if an investigation is on going, are front row center, in a very public way. The perfect backdrop for State Prosecutors conspiring to obstruct justice, and hide evidence.
Every time a criminal scandal is exposed in the Obama administrations, and obstructed at every turn to manipulate elections and votes, Obama's statements are always the same. "There is an ongoing investigation, so we can not make statements until they are completed", EXCEPT, when you have a racist agenda, with lots of potential political mileage.
Obama states in a Rose Garden speech:
"When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids, I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this. And that everybody pull together."
"My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon,"
The non-racist facts are, Obama's imaginary son would look nothing like Trayvon, except similar skin color. So is that the most important issue for a President, that is suppose to represent all Americans. A President that is assuming guilt based on skin color, while he avoids a neutral position.
If Obama was not assuming guilt based on skin color, why was there no message of comfort, to the Zimmerman family? Their son George Zimmerman, could have been murdered by Trayvon Martin, who we now know, from evidence, and a trial, was the physically larger superior aggressor, and stalking Zimmerman, in those lost 4 minutes, before the attack. We also know from Prosecutor witness testimony that the only know person making RACIST statements was Trayvon Martin, calling Zimmerman a "Creepy Ass Cracker". A larger stronger aggressor, schooled in fist fighting, with drugs in his system, actively seeking to buy a gun in the weeks before his death, and the President of the United States assumes guilt based on skin color.
President Obama, under fire for taking sides while criminal investigations are still active, and many claims that the statements were biased, and even racist, tries to walk back his statements, again for his own political agenda.
Obama then says:
“You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son,” the president continued. “Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago.”
This reporter would like to know, what Hispanic or white man, did President Obama try to murder 35 years ago, while using drugs. That's what the evidence, and a Jury, says happened that night in Sanford, Florida. The President has admitted he used harder drugs, than Marijuana, as a young black man, so was the President saying, he was also trying to illegally buy guns, while using drugs, with a history of carrying burglary tools, and bags of jewelry of unknown ownership, like Martin. The President should have said nothing, beyond a plea for calm, and a request to respect the justice system.
State Prosecutors Angela Corey, Bernie De La Rionda, and John Guy
The result of the Obama Administration, and Black Political Racism, is State Prosecutors are politically pressured to seize the case from the local police. The Police Chief is fired, because he followed the law, unlike our political leaders. Police investigators state there is not probable cause to support the arrest of Zimmerman, so lead State Prosecutor Angela Corey, falsifies documentation, and hides evidence of innocence, to get a fraudulent warrant.
State Prosecutors normally seize control of cases only when evidence is present, that local authorities are corrupt. However, there has been no investigations, or allegations, that local law enforcement was corrupt, or incompetent in any way. The on going, very public, parallel FBI investigation, is specifically geared to racism, which is highly unusual, and has found no evidence of racism by Zimmerman. We know that is true because the FBI said so. If the FBI had found evidence of any racism by Zimmerman, those agents, and any witnesses they found, would have been front and center at the trial, and there were none.
In late March 2012 the State Prosecutors Angela Corey, Bernie De La Rionda, and John Guy, seize the case, canceled the grand jury, and proceed straight to prosecution, with a Sanford Police Department Investigation, that did not believe there was enough evidence to make an arrest, much less a conviction. The full blown prosecutor conspiracy to hid all evidence of innocence is just getting started. The State Prosecutors, & Corey's evidence suppression crimes remain partly hidden, until after the trial, when Corey is indicted by a Grand Jury, for falsifying the arrest warrant application.
The FBI's investigation of the evidence tamperring is no where to be seen, except digging for dirt on Zimmerman. This reporter, and former police officer, has seen this tactic many times, in the five year investigation of police and Prosecutor evidence tampering in Southern California. All of which, has been systematically covered up by the FBI and Justice Department, because all of the criminals are wearing badges. Evidence that benefits a defendant is hidden, while prosecutors press for a guilt plea, with the promise of less prison time, even when the defendant is know to be innocent. When an innocent citizen refuses to plead guilty, prosecutors drive that false prosecution right into trial hiding evidence at every stage to get a conviction, that will seal the evidence tampering conspiracy. The FBI response has been to suppress all criminal complaints, and investigation of the prosecutors, and police officers evidence tampering, and conspiracy to obstruct justice.
With the flsified arrest warrant served, State Prosecutors immediately file Second Degree Murder charges against Zimmerman, on April 11, 2012. A Grand Jury is normally used to review evidence in major crimes, and issue indictments, but not this time. In seizing control of the case, State Prosecutors Corey, De La Rionda, and Guy, get control of all of the investigation reports, and the evidence, INCLUDING MATRIN'S CELL PHONE, and the initial dump of PHOTOS and TEXT FILES stored on the phone's Sim card. The last thing the Prosecutors want, is for a Grand Jury to get a look at those phone photos, and text files, and refuse to issue an indictment, just like the Sanford Police. So the State Prosecutors dismiss the the Grand Jury, and the Sim card evidence files are hidden from the defense, and the court, for the next five months. More evidence of innocence, just like the Zimmerman injury photos, hidden to get the arrest warrant.
Defense Attorney Don West would later testify in a evidence suppression sanctions hearing on June 6, 2013, in front of Judge Debra Nelson. West stated the defense was told in April 2012 that the phone files were not recoverable, due to water damage to the phone, and no password access. The prosecutors were already conspiring to Obstruct Justice, and they knew the phone files obtained from the Sim card, which did not require a password, would destroy their case (Just Like many false California prosecutions of other innocent citizens). Files that according to the law, under the Brady decision, must be given to the defense, so citizens can get a fair trial. However, the Florida State Prosecutors, the U.S. Attorney General, and the President Of The United States, were not interested in a fair trial, or an innocent White or Hispanic Zimmerman. They all had other plans, political agendas, and upcoming elections.
Attorney West further testified in the sanctions hearing, that the initial March dump of the Sim memory card phone files was hidden by Prosecutors, from April through August 2012, when the phone files existence was exposed in the deposition, of a prosecution expert. Defense Attorney's O'Mara and West, again demanded Prosecutors produce all phone files and reports. When the Prosecutors continued to stall the production, O'Mara and West filed production notifications with the court in September 2012, and in October the court ordered the Prosecution to produce all phone evidence files. The Sim card files were then produced, but there was no notification to the defense that the phone password, and access, was aggressively being perused by FDLE and the prosecutors, in a continuing conspiracy to suppress any evidence adverse to the prosecution.
The evidence suppression sanction hearings also provided testimony from Ben Kruidbos, the State Attorney's Office IT Director, who provided additional documentation on the Prosecutors continuing conspiracy to Obstruct Justice, and hide those phone files. Kruidbos would eventually become a whistle blower, as he believed the Prosecutors were hiding phone file evidence from the Defense, and he was right on target.
The Martin Phone, as evidence, had been sent to the Florida Department Of Law Enforcement (FDLE), who had special equipment and software called Cellebrite, used to access cell phone files. It is reported the FDLA did the initial dump of the Sim card files, and sent the report and copies of the files to the State Prosecutors office. However, due to the high-tech password protection used by Trayvon Martin, the main memory files could not be accessed without the password, and no one alive, including Martin's family knew what the password was.
Testimony states the phone was then sent to the Santa Barbara County, California Sheriffs Department, who had special capabilities for obtaining passwords. When the phone was returned to the FDLE, with the access password, FDLE used their Cellebrite software to extract the overall system source file, commonly called the bin, or ufd file. That file was estimated to be about 100 mega-bytes in size, and produced an estimated 900 page report. The FDLE extracted 100 megabyte file, and report was sent to the State Attorney's Office in late 2012.
The 100 megs of files, and the report were turned over to IT Director Ben Kruidbos in November or early December 2012 according to his testimony. There was no notification to the Defense that the password had been cracked, or notice of the new expanded, approximate 100 megabits of recovered files as required by law, and the court orders. That was Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice by the Prosecution.
Kruidbos testified that, upon receipt of the printable data files, and paper report from FDLE, he was ordered to produce additional copies of the reports. Kruidbos had difficult printing from the submitted files, and as Kruidbos's office also had the Cellebrite equipment for extracting phone files, Kruidbos requested Investigator T. C. O'Steen obtain the original SOURCE FILE from FDLE. O'Steen complied, and when Kruidbos accessed the source file, his experience as IT Director for the State Prosecutors Office, sent up some red flags. There were file sizes, and data variations that indicated there was a lot more then 100 megabytes of data in the source file, as had been indicated by FDLE's analysis. Kruidbos obtained several software add on plugin's, and found a reported 3.5 Gigabytes of data, or more than thirty five times the data, reported by FDLE's examination of the source file. The number of know photos expanded from approximately 2800 up to 4200, with similar increases in text, and other files. It is not know if FDLE's Cellebrite software had the special plugin's, or if FDLE knew about the larger data set and simply kept quiet to protect the ongoing conspiracy.
Kruidbos testified that in late December, or early January he contacted Investigator O'Steen, who was his connection to State Prosecutors on the Zimmerman case. O'Steen was notified about the 35 fold increase in detected data. Kruidbos and O'Steen's overview of the new files disclosed more photos of guns, marijuana plants, apparent dope smoking, piles of jewelry on a bed, and text messages about buying and selling guns. O'Steen stated they needed to go talk with Prosecutor De La Rionda.
Prosecutor De La Rionda was notified about the huge increase in detected files, including what Kruidbos described as photos of Martin holding a gun in his right hand, while he took a picture with his left hand. Kruidbos testified, De La Rionda immediately challenged Kruidbos's opinion, stating there was no way he could know it was Martin's hand. De La Rionda already knew about the password protected system, that nobody, including Martin's family members knew how to access, after Martin's death. De La Rionda knew it had taken more than eight months, and all of the resources of the State Attorney's office to get around Martin's password protected system, and get access. De La Rionda made it clear he did not want anyone putting Martins hand on a gun in a photo. Kruidbos stated, De La Rionda's view of the huge increase in evidence files was, "we will have to deal with this". The Defense was not notified by De La Rionda, or the State Prosecutors Office, and that is Obstruction Of Justice.
Kruidbos stated he returned to his office, and finished cataloging, and organizing the new expanded 3.5 gigabytes of photo, text, and other files into folders, and printing out a new expanded report of the phone evidence. The new files were placed on a flash drive, and the drive with all of the new files, and the new and old reports, was hand delivered to De La Rionda, with a brief verbal review of what De La Rionda was receiving. Kruidbos questioned De La Rionda on whether or not he would have to testify on the discovery of the expanded data files. It was decided that FDLE would be notified to update their files, to match Kruidbos's files, so he would not have to testify. This was a good way for De La Rionda to keep knowledge about the new expanded find of files, out of the court records.
Kruidbos stated he was later contacted, still in late December or very early January, by Investigator O'Steen, and told De La Rionda needed addition explanations on the new expanded evidence files. When Kruidbos arrived at his office, De La Rionda called Prosecutor John Guy into the office to hear the review on the new expanded 3.5 gigabyte data files. At the end of the explanation, both prosecutors stated they understood the explanation from Kruidbos. Kruidbos testified, De La Rionda then changed the discussion to the potential access, and use of the expanded data set, by the Defense. De La Rionda wanted to know if the defense would be able to access the expanded data files, without the Cellebrite equipment, and software used by Kruidbos. Kruidbos stated no, not without the Cellebrite, and once again De La Rionda had Kruidbos verify the estimated cost of $8,000.00 for the Cellebrite equipment.
This reporter believes the questions by De La Rionda were the "first shoe to drop", on Kruidbos's road to becoming a whistle blower on evidence tampering, and the first evidence of De La Rionda's and Guy's continuation of the evidence suppression conspiracy, that started back in March 2012, with hiding the original dump of the Sim card data files. Prosecutors, like all attorneys, understand the financial limitations of most defendants, fighting public agencies, and that the high cost of the Cellebrite equipment might be used to the prosecutors advantage, in hiding the evidence.
Don West testified that in mid January of 2013, the Defensed received a production of reports and files. There was no SOURCE FILE, and the report received was only the 100 megabyte FDLE extraction, originally sent to the State Prosecutors office in late 2012. There was no information about the discovery, by IT Director Kruidbos, of the larger 3.5 gigabytes of photos, text, and other files, through the use of the Cellebrite equipment, and special plugin's. Once again the State Prosecutors, were knowingly conspiring to hide evidence from the defense, and obstructing the Defense access to the source file, in the hope the smaller 100 megabyte files and report would distract the Defense, and further delay future production request for the SOURCE FILE. A very common tactic of attorneys hiding evidence is delay, delay, delay, and once again, evidence of Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice in a murder prosecution.
Don West testimony states there was a continued demand for the Prosecution to produce the SOURCE FILE. In late February, in response to those demands, the Prosecution made another document production. The production included the SOURCE FILE, and a second copy of the same basic 100 megabyte report produced back in mid January The only changes were very minor formatting changes, to change the appearance of the report. Once again the State Prosecutors were conspiring to hide the larger 3.5 gigabytes of data and its report, to eliminate, or at the very least delay, the Defense's access to the very damaging files on Trayvon Martin's phone, long enough to keep them out of the trial. The Prosecutors, as voiced by De La Rionda in his 2012 meetings with Kruidbos, were hoping the defense would simply accept the fraudulent smaller FDLE report, and not invest $8,0000.00 in the Cellebrite equipment, to make their own inspection of the SOURCE FILE.
Kruidbos also testified that, in March and April of 2013, news stories were coming out about the Defense not getting all of the phone evidence from the State Prosecutors, again. As usual, the FBI, and Justice Department were no were to be found, with numerous news stories of Prosecutors hiding evidence in the Zimmerman case, for the past 12 months. Kruidbos was concerned about his criminal exposure, having knowledge of all the newly discovered evidence, if the Prosecutors had hidden that evidence from the Defense team. Kruidbos, contacted Attorney Wesley White, a former State Prosecutor, and ask him for legal advise to protect himself. It was decided Attorney White would contact Defense Attorney O'Mara with some basic information, on photo files that were in the larger 3.5 gigabyte discovery, to see if Attorney O'Mara had knowledge of the photos. O'Mara and the defense team had never seen the files, or heard of them, before that contact, according to Attorney Don West testimony.
Kruidbos's name was not originally mentioned in the White - O'Mara conversation, but Kruidbos now believed De La Rionda, and the State Prosecutors office had hidden the evidence. Kruidbos suspicions were later confirmed by West testimony. It was not clear from testimony, if Kruidbos, did or did not know about the two fraudulent report productions to the Defense in January, and February 2013.
The State Prosecutors office, on which Kuridbos had reported the criminal activity, retaliated. The result was an honest citizen, reporting felony criminal conduct by Public Union Prosecutors, was punished by relieving him of his duties, and then fired. There is no evidence the FBI or Justice Department has taken any action. This reporter has seen this type of retaliation and cover up, many time in California, like the whistle blowing Cop that reported a high level police conspiracy, to destroy evidence, and cover up criminal conduct of other cops. The FBI also protected the Chief Of Police, City Attorney, and others in that cover up conspiracy.
Upon receipt of the Source File, the Defense Team started looking for an expert consultant that could analyze the SOURCE FILE, which consumed valuable time, as they continued to prepare for trial. As Prosecutor De La Rionda had previously quizzed Kruidbos on whether or not the Defense would be able to access the Source File, without the Cellebrite software, that information was withheld from the defense in the hope the files would remain hidden. The State Attorney's office not only hid the required use of the $8,000.00 Cellebrite software, they also hid the fact that only part of the files would be accessible, without the special add on plug-in filters. The prosecutors were criminally conspiring to doing everything possible to make sure that evidence, adverse for the prosecution, and that supported the innocence of Zimmerman, remained hidden.
Kuridbos stated in his testimony that he was once again contacted on May 23, 2013 by a Jackelyn Barnard, Director of Communication in the State Prosecutors Office, and told Prosecutor De La Rionda was having computer problems, and he wanted Kruidbos to come by his office. Kruidbos meet with De La Rionda the following day on May 24, 2013. Kruidbos stated he told De La Rionda he had seen news reports that the Zimmerman Defense Attorneys, were stating they had not received all of the evidence reports from the Prosecution and FDLE. Kruidbos questioned De La Rionda on whether or not the FDLE had provided the updated 3.5 gigabyte report to the Defense. De La Rionda stated that he and Prosecutor Guy had just meet with FDLA expert Brenton at the Burger King, and that the report had been provided to the defense. When Kruidbos and O'Steen were reviewing a printed copy of the disclosed report and comparing it with O'Steen's computer file, Kruidbos noticed files appeared to be missing, and the file extensions was .db, which was unusual. Testimony from Don West makes it clear, De La Rionda lied to Kuridbos, as the 3.5 gigabyte report was never delivered to the defense.
The Defense Team immediately filled more complaints with the Court Judge Debra Nelson, and requested a Sanctions Hearing on the evidence tampering by De La Rionda, John Guy, and the State Prosecutors Office, which lead to above testimony of Ben Kruidbos, and Attorney Don West. A sanctions hearing for both FINANCIAL and CRIMINAL sanctions. The Defense Team also requested a delay in the start of trial to allow them time to evaluate the large amounts of evidence, that had been hidden through out 2012, and into 2013. The Justice Department, the FBI, President Barak Obama, and AG Eric Holder, all of which were out in front yelling for Justice based on racism, with all of the obvious documented Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy, and Evidence Tampering by State Prosecutors, were no where to be found.
There are always questions about many of a Judge's decision in a serious high profile felony trial. Judges have always done more to protect Prosecutors and their rights, as compared to defendants and their rights, but seldom is there good hard evidence of a judge's bias, and her decisions, to help Prosecutors with extensive criminal violations, get a conviction, for what ever reasons.
On June 5th and 6th, just days before the trial is scheduled to start, Judge Debra Nelson is holding the Sanction hearing, and hears all of the above testimony under oath, from State Prosecutors IT Director Ben Kruidbos, and Defense Attorney Don West. Both answering question from, Defense Attorney Mark O'Mara, and Prosecutor Bernie De La Rionda. Judge Nelson is aware of all of the evidence suppression, going back to March 2012, starting with the original dump of the Sim Card files. Nelson is obviously aware of all of her multiple orders to the Prosecutors, to produce all evidence, which are violated over and over again, with no action by Judge Nelson.
The sanctions hearing testimony from just two witnesses, Kruidbos and West, lays out a long term felony criminal conspiracy by multiple State Prosecutors, supported with court record documents. A conspiracy to hide, and manipulate evidence, by what ever means necessary, to improve Prosecutors chances of a conviction. A criminal conspiracy by sworn Public Prosecutors, to keep evidence of criminal conduct by the "so called victim", Trayvon Martin, and all evidence supporting the innocence of the "so called suspect" George Zimmerman, out of the trial. As soon as Judge Nelson hears this testimony she suspends the hearing, until after the trial, with no decisions. Judge Nelson also refuses to delay the start of the trial, to give the defense a chance to investigate all of the hidden evidence, and if necessary "authenticate the phone evidence" to get it in front of the jury.
The last thing Judge Nelson was expecting when the sanctions hearing started, was hard, court document supported evidence, of a State Prosecutor Criminal Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice. Even worse, a delay to investigate and prosecute the Prosecutors, would put the prosecutors case in a trash can forever, with the high probability of violent civil protest. The same violent protest were likely, if the trial were delayed long enough, for all the hidden evidence to be investigated, and put in front of a jury. Evidence that would increase the likelihood of a not guilty verdict, and increase the demands for criminal prosecution of the State Prosecutors.
However, if the Sanctions hearing were stopped mid steam, and the Defense was pushed into trial, without all the hidden evidence, Nelson knew from experience, a guilty verdict could make the Sanctions Hearing a mute issue. Courts commonly refuse to hear any and all appeals after a guilty verdict, and it is a process that is commonly used to cover up criminal corruption by Prosecutors, and law enforcement officers. A corrupt process seen many times in GTI's five year public corruption investigation in California, which also involved Judges looking the other way, when prosecutors and dirty cops, tampered with evidence.
Photo and text evidence, that Judge Nelson knew could be blocked by the Court, from a trial jury, based on a Prosecutor claim of no authentication, to prove the files on the phone were generated by Trayvon Martin, and that is exactly what Judge Nelson engineered. Judge Nelson knew from the Sanctions testimony, and court documents, the Trayvon Martin phone had a high tech password protect system, that even his family members could not provide access to. The Judge knew it took the State Attorney's Office more than eight months to find a law enforcement agency with the expertise to crack the password, and get access to the major files. Nelson knew that Trayvon Martin was the only person that had access to that phone, and that all of the files on the phone where his, yet Nelson quickly ruled the files could not be shown to the Jury based on authentication issues. Nelson also knew that keeping those files out of the trial, could be the key to protecting multiple State Attorneys from disbarment and prison, not to mention the reputation and public image of the State Attorney's Office.
THE TRIAL STARTED ON SCHEDULE, AND SIX WEEKS LATER A JURY THAT HEARD ONE LIE AFTER ANOTHER FROM A CRIMINALLLY CORRUPT STATE PROSECUTION, FOUND GEORGE ZIMMERMAN "NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS". A White House with a Black racist President, and a Justice Department know for its Public Corruption, headed by a Black racist Attorney General Holder, immediately start talking about a new Federal Civil Rights investigation, to make sure the racist Zimmerman does not get away with murder
within days of the NOT GUILTY verdict, a Grand Jury issues a criminal indictment against the lead State Prosecutor Angela Corey for "HIDING EVIDENCE" from the courts, to get the original arrest warrant for George Zimmerman. So this reporter would like to know when the White House, the Justice Department, and the FBI is going to start investigations of the Florida State Prosecutors Office, for Public Corruption, and Criminal Conspiracy to Obstruct Justice. If the FBI and Justice does their job in Florida, like they are doing in California, WATCH YOUR BACK!!
By Woodrow L. Higdon, Investigative Photo Journalist